Monday, 11 June 2007

Truly A Wedding We Will Never Forget

We have always felt lucky to be a part of all our couple's day...but today's wedding is extraordinary and something we both will never forget! When we walked into Wan Chi's room words could not describe how beautiful and angelic she looked. We just knew this day was going to be special!

The couple along with Cynthia Martyn arranged two wedding ceremonies; one being symbolic the other more formal and legal (as required by Italian law). The excitement in the air was made clear the minute Wan Chi's brother pulled-up to the hotel in a cute Fiat! Weaving through narrow streets with the happy gaze of tourists and locals alike in one convoy after another of taxis we made our way to the amazing SkyLounge, located at the top of Florence's Hotel Continentale opposite to the Arno River. This uber chic lounge was the perfect place for the intimate ceremony.

As family and friends gathered on the rooftop the view below of Ponte Vecchio and Florence simply was stunning! This was really an amazing place to be...Ken and Wan Chi met eyes, vows exchanged and tea ceremonies held. Intimate and heartfelt, i don't think there was a dry eye in the room! With the ceremony completed, friends and family gathered for photographs and cocktails.

At 3:30pm, our newlyweds made their way on foot with friends and family by their side to Palazzo Vecchio , Florence's Town Hall for the second more formal ceremony. The walk over took us through the magnificent Piazza della Signoria, a real open-air exhibition: Palazzo Vecchio, with its sixteenth-century hall full of frescoes by Vasari, the Fountain of Neptune by Ammannati, and the copy of Michelangelo’s David all welcomed us as we enterd the square.

Walking through royal corridors, past grand courtyeards on our way up to the second floor for the civil wedding nothing would have prepeared us to what we were instore for. The majestic Palazzo Vecchio opened its grandest of doors to the inner Sala Rossa (Red Hall) which is an incredible room of Renaissance decoration and furnishing: huge red drapes and gold-framed mirrors, antique chandeliers, gilded chairs upholstered in red silk and velvet invited us to what quickly became a royal arrangement. This hall evokes a sense of nobility and owe to those getting married here. This day simply moved from one surprise to another for everyone!

Auguri Mr. & Mrs. Luong! With great honour and joy, camera and super 8mm film in hand we walked and taxi'd all around Florence from one stunning locale to another celebrating this great day! I wish we could post every moment captured on this day. Be sure to stay tuned as once we take delivery of the Super 8mm film from the lab we will be posting here a few vignettes!

Thank-you to Ken and Wan Chi to their families and friends for a wonderful experience that we will be sure to never forget.


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