Friday, 8 June 2007

June 8th, 2007 - Wine, Olives & Friends - Part 2

As our bus made its way along the interior of Toscana and Chianti wine region the view dramatically changed from old cobblestoned roads, the high energy of Firenze metropolis and all its gorgeous buildings to winding roads leading to open rolling hills of vinyards. Its truly amazing that this region is incredibly large enough to produce no less supply the world's demand for the best Chanti!

At the top of one particular hill was a wine maker in the business for well over 600 years, Vignamaggio welcomed our wedding group with open arms. An interesting factoid worth mentioning is that this particular estate was once owned by the father of thee "Mona Lisa"! One can see the view is absolutley stunning, both Ken and Wan Chi we hope along with their families and friends will never forget. As our hostess walked us through the wine making process the piaste de resistance came at the top of the morning where we all sat down as a group to truly educate the palette: Three different types of wine with complimenting cheeses and meats were had and we both confess this was the highlight of the tour - Yummy! Thank-you!

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