Sunday, 9 December 2007

In Our Prayers

Our hearts and prayers are with Naz and his family for the loss of his Father. The mimmo+naz team of photographers and cinematographers want to personally extend our love and understanding for their loss, and wish him the time to find strength and peace. We love you Naz.

SARKIS O. MELCONIAN October 24, 1933-December 1, 2007

Thursday, 29 November 2007

Studio Closed For The Holidays

Our office will be closing early for the Holidays. As of December 1, 2007 we will not be taking any new consultations. All other queries will be addressed up to the 14th of December.

Monday, 26 November 2007

In Time of Prayer

To My Dear Client,

I regret to inform you that until further notice, I will be away from the office due to an immediate family illness. It is my sincere hope to return to regular hours and "business as usual" as quickly as possible. With the coming holiday season just around the corner, I most heartedly do apologize for the inconvenience and stress this sudden leave will place. I ask for your patience and prayers during this most trying time for my family.

Please note this will only affect Cinematography Edit Timelines.



Thursday, 15 November 2007

Congratulations Kate & Chirag!


We find ourselves heading south to Mexico to document Kate & Chirag's Wedding. Our trip began by first traveling to Calgary to meet with Kate & Chirag, their family and friends. The group of 96 headed south to the Azul Beach Hotel & Spa to share in the couple's special day.

We have posted below a couple images from the wedding day, but will be posting more when we return! A link to a mini website dedicated to the couples day will be launched shortly as well so that both friends and family can share in the memories.

We want to personally thank Sarah from Luxe Destination Weddings for the help in planning and the execution of this elegant church wedding in Mexico.

Keep posted.

Tuesday, 2 October 2007

WedLuxe Editoral Shoot

Today we meet with Angela Desveaux, Editor of WedLuxe Magazine and her crew for an all day shoot. We're quite excited as their magazine is due to be released on this side of our shores late December!

Monday, 17 September 2007

Polaroid Fun

Monday, 27 August 2007

It's not too soon to start planning for Christmas

This is an early notification to all of our clients to start thinking about Christmas and December orders. We know many of you want their product for Christmas and to avoid not receiving your product, please plan ahead.

Cut off date for December 2007 delivery - October 1, 2007.

We must receive all corresponding documents and/or orders for both photography and cinematography no later than October 1, 2007. Documents and/or orders received after October 1 are to remain in queue and Standard Delivery times will apply.


Thursday, 16 August 2007

A Preview of Our New Super 8mm Sample

With the launch of our new website just a few weeks away we thought to share a small treat...Enjoy this short super 8mm sneak peek! Click on the play button below to watch. To see archived samples click here

20 hours of flying, 4 trains & 30 hours of commuting

It's great to be back home...a whirlwind trip, but both of us are missing Italy so much! To Anna & Gianluca, a heartfelt Thank You for the memories. I hope everyone enjoys this long awaited post.

Thursday, 2 August 2007

Rome - The Vatican Museums & The Sistine Chapel

Vatican City today! As we made our way through its grand halls you quickly lose your breath with all that greets your eyes...classical renaissance art, the grandeur of its majestic architecture and all the history keeps one mesmerized! This truly is a special place. Our walk took us through The Gallery of the Tapestries and then into the Gallery of the Geographical Maps before arriving into the famous Sistine Chapel with its magnificent fresco of the Last Judgement by Michelangelo.

The Gallery of the Tapestries | Gallery of the Geographical Maps

The Sistine Chapel

Wednesday, 1 August 2007

Rome - Caput mundi

As soon as we checked into our hotel the thrill of being in the "Eternal City" took hold of us! Walking down centuries old cobblestone streets, we browsed past shops and galleries - you truly cannot help but be in constant awe with the history and poise that is Rome.

Our first stop: Fontana di Trevi (Trevi Fountain)
Completed by Nicola Salvi in 1762, the central figure of the fountain is Neptune, god of the sea. He is riding a chariot in the shape of a shell, pulled by two sea horses. Each sea horse is guided by a Triton. One of the horses is calm and obedient, the other one restive. They symbolize the fluctuating moods of the sea. Trevi refers to three roads that converged here.

Legend has it you will return to Rome if you throw a coin into the water. You should toss it over your shoulder with your back to the fountain. I sincerly do hope that our paths find us back here in Rome!

Monday, 30 July 2007

Italian adventure to "I Do"

Over the next few days we will be taking in the sights, sounds and foods of this ancient metropolis. This planned affair-for-two in Italy took on a new twist when our dear friend Anna invited us to her wedding. Later in the week we will be heading off to shoot Anna & Gianluca's wedding by the gorgeous mountainside of Trento, Italy. Keep posted for updates.

Saluti Da Roma!

Monday, 23 July 2007

Today's Bride

New issue is out do check it out!

Wednesday, 18 July 2007

Ciao - Dove stai? Cavedago, Trento - Italy

Anna & Gianluca will be celebrating with their family and friends in the beautiful northern region of Trento, Italy. Leaving in one weeks time, we are excited to be part of their special day. Do check back regularly as we will be traveling throughout Italy on this 2 week journey.

Monday, 16 July 2007

WedLuxe - True Love. True Luxury.

WedLuxe is Canada’s luxury wedding magazine. They feature the design and style behind the most breathtaking luxe weddings across the country. From coast to coast, they bring you a visual feast of inspiration and direct access to the most talented professionals.

We are quite excited and honoured to be part of the launch and do look forward in sharing this with you.

We will keep you posted. In the meantime check out their website at

A Joyful Tear

We would like to introduce you to TearDrop Weddings by Holly Hatam. A stationery studio with the most unique and highest quality of invitations. They provide a line of modern invitations for the stylish and contemporary couple.

If you want to see more of her work go to

Tuesday, 19 June 2007

Its instant, its fun we love Polaroid

Weddings are a grand, elegant and fun time in our couple's lives, so we do look to experiment and be playful in "how" and with "what" we document. We're always looking to re-introduce old forgotten technologies that can capture and in many ways tell the day's story in a unique and in the case of Polaroid "instant" way. Much like our super 8mm motion picture, Polaroid is nothing new, but certainly relevant, nostalgic and exciting! There is something a little more intimate and artistic in the method and final surprise as we peel back to reveal the produced Polaroid. It’s a neat and cute way to add a little something different to the overall day's coverage.

Thursday, 14 June 2007

June 14, 2007 - Homeward Bound

It's great to be back home! Our flight was long and daunting with the typical security checks and the added interest all our photography gear commands. With little time to rest, tomorrow we prepare for our weekend jobs ahead - two weddings, one being held in lovely Muskoka!

Our couples ask how we do it every weekend sometimes two three weddings, our answer has always been quite simple; this is a passion and therfore not your typical job. We absolutely love the people whom we work for; our couples, their families and friends as they all bring their own style to the day...we are there as guests interpreting the day with our cameras! This is our profession. We love what we do!

Monday, 11 June 2007

Truly A Wedding We Will Never Forget

We have always felt lucky to be a part of all our couple's day...but today's wedding is extraordinary and something we both will never forget! When we walked into Wan Chi's room words could not describe how beautiful and angelic she looked. We just knew this day was going to be special!

The couple along with Cynthia Martyn arranged two wedding ceremonies; one being symbolic the other more formal and legal (as required by Italian law). The excitement in the air was made clear the minute Wan Chi's brother pulled-up to the hotel in a cute Fiat! Weaving through narrow streets with the happy gaze of tourists and locals alike in one convoy after another of taxis we made our way to the amazing SkyLounge, located at the top of Florence's Hotel Continentale opposite to the Arno River. This uber chic lounge was the perfect place for the intimate ceremony.

As family and friends gathered on the rooftop the view below of Ponte Vecchio and Florence simply was stunning! This was really an amazing place to be...Ken and Wan Chi met eyes, vows exchanged and tea ceremonies held. Intimate and heartfelt, i don't think there was a dry eye in the room! With the ceremony completed, friends and family gathered for photographs and cocktails.

At 3:30pm, our newlyweds made their way on foot with friends and family by their side to Palazzo Vecchio , Florence's Town Hall for the second more formal ceremony. The walk over took us through the magnificent Piazza della Signoria, a real open-air exhibition: Palazzo Vecchio, with its sixteenth-century hall full of frescoes by Vasari, the Fountain of Neptune by Ammannati, and the copy of Michelangelo’s David all welcomed us as we enterd the square.

Walking through royal corridors, past grand courtyeards on our way up to the second floor for the civil wedding nothing would have prepeared us to what we were instore for. The majestic Palazzo Vecchio opened its grandest of doors to the inner Sala Rossa (Red Hall) which is an incredible room of Renaissance decoration and furnishing: huge red drapes and gold-framed mirrors, antique chandeliers, gilded chairs upholstered in red silk and velvet invited us to what quickly became a royal arrangement. This hall evokes a sense of nobility and owe to those getting married here. This day simply moved from one surprise to another for everyone!

Auguri Mr. & Mrs. Luong! With great honour and joy, camera and super 8mm film in hand we walked and taxi'd all around Florence from one stunning locale to another celebrating this great day! I wish we could post every moment captured on this day. Be sure to stay tuned as once we take delivery of the Super 8mm film from the lab we will be posting here a few vignettes!

Thank-you to Ken and Wan Chi to their families and friends for a wonderful experience that we will be sure to never forget.


Saturday, 9 June 2007

June 9, 2007 - The Wedding Day - Early Rise

The previous day made for an enjoyable evening of wine and traditional homemade pasta. An early rise on a sunny, clear and very hot day we head out to Piazza Della Signoria to collect our thoughts and creative ideas for the afternoon wedding and of course our daily Biscotti and espresso!

Speaking to both Ken & Wan Chi it was quite clear that today will see a modern interpretation of both vows, and ceremony! A traditional Chinese Tea Ceremony along side personalized intimate vows as well the traditional walk to the church while the mother of the bride holds a red an umbrella over the brides thereby warding-off any bad luck should add to the gorgeous locations planned out for the day! It goes without saying how excited - See you shortly Ken & Wan Chi!

Keep posted as we will be updating the wedding's events in the next few days!

Friday, 8 June 2007

June 8th, 2007 - Wine, Olives & Friends - Part 2

As our bus made its way along the interior of Toscana and Chianti wine region the view dramatically changed from old cobblestoned roads, the high energy of Firenze metropolis and all its gorgeous buildings to winding roads leading to open rolling hills of vinyards. Its truly amazing that this region is incredibly large enough to produce no less supply the world's demand for the best Chanti!

At the top of one particular hill was a wine maker in the business for well over 600 years, Vignamaggio welcomed our wedding group with open arms. An interesting factoid worth mentioning is that this particular estate was once owned by the father of thee "Mona Lisa"! One can see the view is absolutley stunning, both Ken and Wan Chi we hope along with their families and friends will never forget. As our hostess walked us through the wine making process the piaste de resistance came at the top of the morning where we all sat down as a group to truly educate the palette: Three different types of wine with complimenting cheeses and meats were had and we both confess this was the highlight of the tour - Yummy! Thank-you!

June 8th, 2007 - Early start to a beautiful day - Part 1

Its our first full day here in Florence and it certainly begged to wake with the morning sun...and so we found ourselves walking the empty streets lured by the promise of fresh baked biscotti and espresso! It must be said, we will leave this city thinner in the wallet yet fatter everywhere else!

As we walked past the finest of stores we made our way down Via De Cerretani to Chiesa di Santa Maria del Fiore also more famously known as Del Duomo. We have posted two photo's of the cathedral. Just imagine in a couple hours this area, the roads will be packed with tourists and locals alike! The view and sheer scale of the cathedral is hard to describe, but its peaks reach for the skyline which is relative and therefore towers. Architectural and art detailing on the facade of the building defy words, well let us say one could easily spend hours studying them! Florence is rich and beautiful!

Thursday, 7 June 2007

June 7, 2007 - 12 hours, 2 planes, 2 Countries ... Italia

The second our plane lifted to the sky everyday studio life lifted along with it, only to give way to the realization of what an incredible week lay ahead! Its not every weekend where you find yourself in Florence, Italy documenting an intimate wedding of two gracious loving people, their families and closest of friends. We certainly do feel lucky and blessed to have met both Ken & Wan Chi!

As our Taxi pulled-up to the hotel we were greeted by Cynthia Martyn, a good friend and talented planner who's been arranging every detail imaginable to make this week and wedding all the couple has dreamed it to be. Although met by one heck of a storm, we weathered it and scoped out the locations. Florence is absolutely gorgeous even under the gloomiest of sky's...which begs to say every location would be spectacular...hmm...tomorrow's forecast...sun, perfecto for our plans to taste the wines and visit the land of Chianti Classico, Tuscany!!

Tuesday, 5 June 2007

It's MINI, but it's not just another wedding show

We would love to cordially invite you to a little yet BIG idea! Please join us June 5th right through to the 17th at Toronto's first ever Mini Wedding Show. Located at The Lennox Gallery, 12 Ossington Avenue (Just north of Queen). This "all-things" wedding showcase hosted by The Wedding Co will provide couples the opportunity to discover the industry’s finest hand-picked vendors. Hope to see you there!

Amore in Firenze, Italia: June 6 - 13, 2007

It's finally hit us that within 2 days we'll be flying out to Florence, Italy to document Ken & Wan Chi's wedding. Over a year ago they saw us at the bridal show and fell in love with our work. We are so honoured and privileged to accompany them to the beautiful city of Florence to document their moments, and their events. Keep posted as we will be updating as often as possible while on this trip!

Monday, 4 June 2007

MoneySense recognizes mimmo+naz & Super 8mm Film

You can imagine how proud and happy we were when we first got the call! We have been in business for almost five years and this attention felt good! For many years our couples have fallen in love with our choice to capture and document their special day on Super 8mm motion picture film. Its hip, its romantic, timeless and honest! In an age of digital video, gaudy skits and fancy digital effects, Super 8mm simply needs to be seen.

Excited, we jumped at the chance and this article was published! Thank you to Pamela Young, the writer, and to Carmen & Travis, one of our cutest couples who openly shared their experience with the magazine

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