Thursday, 29 July 2010

Italy bound - Genova here we come.

Keep checking back now and again as we are departing to Italy for a gorgeous wedding in Genova. The wedding is this Sunday and looking forward to taking the couple to Portofino for photographs.


Wednesday, 28 July 2010

YOU shoot it! WE edit it! A Proposal in Paris

Adam came to us a while back and asked if he could take one of our super 8mm film movie camera's to Paris, France to capture something special to him. We had at the time just introduced the YOU shoot it! WE edit it! program. He was up for it and so were we.

And so...

What was meant to be a weekend in NYC for boyfriend and girlfriend became a SURPRISE trip to Paris where Adam proposed to his now wife Lindsay!!!!

YOU shoot it! WE edit it!

Enjoy, MORE to come.

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Tuesday, 20 July 2010

YOU shoot it! WE edit it!

Its so easy and honestly we think you will LOVE IT!!!!!!

1. We provide you with your own Super 8mm film camera (we have so many) you can buy it too.

2. We provide you with all the film you may need by Kodak which will include the lab processing.

3. We provide a quick 1hr (or if you need extra training, no worries) workshop on how it works.

4. You get it all in a cool bag.

5. You take your retro-chic Super 8mm film camera and document YOUR honeymoon, YOUR anniversary, YOUR newborn, YOUR kids, THEIR birthdays, YOUR love, sweetheart, YOUR picnic, YOUR date, YOUR proposal, YOUR vacation, WHATEVER event or life moment you find neat, important or worthy of story...

YOU shoot it! WE edit it!

Enjoy, MORE to come.

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Monday, 19 July 2010

Taste of Italy

I couldn't resist taking these photos, It just reminds me of Italy!

My Father-in-law brought the roots over from Italy over 30 years ago and nurtured them. During the winter months he keeps them in the dark to be taken out in Spring. Good soil, water and lots of heat produces these lush green and purple figs to die for!


A tree for Naz...maybe :)


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Sunday, 18 July 2010

Madalena + Lenny

A sneak peak.. More to come..


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Saturday, 17 July 2010

Adriana + Paul

More to come from this wedding.. LOVE these images.


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Thursday, 1 July 2010

Super 8mm Movie+Photography Published Today

Today we got published on Style Me see more click here

Happy Canada's Day July 1st, 1867...143yrs young!

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