Friday, 30 January 2009

Natasha+Nick - Photo Booth

What an amazing time with Natasha, Nick and all of their friends. We wanted to post some of their images from their photo booth. Good times.

We wanted to thank you for ending the year right. Thanks for having us.


Saturday, 24 January 2009

Christene & Grant - Jamaica Bound

Just a small preview to an amazing photo shoot in Jamaica. More to come.


Saturday, 17 January 2009

Featured on snippet & ink - daily wedding inspiration

Just received an email from Kathryn, owner and creator of an amazing blog called snippet & ink - daily wedding inspiration. Its a collection of inspirations from weddings from artists across the world. I am honored and excited that we have been asked to be part of this amazing blog and to feature our very own Donna & Kevin's wedding.

We are excited to be part of this amazing blog and want to thank Kathryn for all of her hard work and dedication for finding such amazing artists that have contributed and inspired many other couples to be unique and creative with their own weddings.

Thank You,

Click here to view the posting


Jamaica Bound - Back Soon

Hi Everyone,
On the way to down to Jamaica this morning for the wedding of Christine & Grant. I will be posting some images while down there, so keep posted.


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