Thursday, 29 November 2007

Studio Closed For The Holidays

Our office will be closing early for the Holidays. As of December 1, 2007 we will not be taking any new consultations. All other queries will be addressed up to the 14th of December.

Monday, 26 November 2007

In Time of Prayer

To My Dear Client,

I regret to inform you that until further notice, I will be away from the office due to an immediate family illness. It is my sincere hope to return to regular hours and "business as usual" as quickly as possible. With the coming holiday season just around the corner, I most heartedly do apologize for the inconvenience and stress this sudden leave will place. I ask for your patience and prayers during this most trying time for my family.

Please note this will only affect Cinematography Edit Timelines.



Thursday, 15 November 2007

Congratulations Kate & Chirag!


We find ourselves heading south to Mexico to document Kate & Chirag's Wedding. Our trip began by first traveling to Calgary to meet with Kate & Chirag, their family and friends. The group of 96 headed south to the Azul Beach Hotel & Spa to share in the couple's special day.

We have posted below a couple images from the wedding day, but will be posting more when we return! A link to a mini website dedicated to the couples day will be launched shortly as well so that both friends and family can share in the memories.

We want to personally thank Sarah from Luxe Destination Weddings for the help in planning and the execution of this elegant church wedding in Mexico.

Keep posted.

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